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Yoni Steam

Herbal medicine for sacred self-care

Yoni Steaming
What it is - benefits - how

Yoni steam (also known as vaginal steaming or V steaming) is an ancient practice used by women across many healing traditions and cultures from Latin America, to Africa, Europe and Asia, to maintain vaginal and uterine health. It is a self-care ritual that consists in sitting over a bowl of steaming herbs which encourage healing and connection to the womb space.

Yoni is a Sanskrit word and means ‘divine passage’ or ‘sacred source/temple’. It’s a word imbued with a sacred vibration and symbolizes feminine generative power. Physically it denotes vulva, vaginal canal, cervix, womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Yoni reminds us that our reproductive area is a sacred space and not just an anatomical system which is often objectified or associated with pain, shame, abuse and disconnection.

When doing a yoni steam, the herbal steam creates heat, moisture and softness, allowing the  medicinal plant properties to permeate the tissues and be absorbed into the bloodstream, increasing circulation which then carries the healing properties to the reproductive organs. Yoni steam helps to tone the womb, cleanse and detoxify the yoni, reduce menstrual symptom like cramps, bloating, heavy bleeds, it can boost fertility, relieve stress, increase energy, balance hormones, reduce inflammation, maintain healthy vaginal flora, aid postpartum recovery, improve blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients supply, increase lubrication, enhance libido and sex life.

Physical benefits

Yoni steaming can support you to resolve conditions like ….

  • Painful & irregular periods

  • Endometriosis

  • Ovarian cysts

  • PCOS

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Cervical polyps

  • Scar tissues

  • Uterine & bladder prolapse

  • Vaginal itchiness, dryness, tension

  • Painful intercourse

  • Bacterial infections

  • Postpartum healing

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Vaginal odor

  • Miscarriage & abortion

  • Infertility

  • Uterine weakness

  • Low libido

Yoni steam

Energetic & emotional benefits

Vaginal steam is a beautiful and super relaxing ritual that you can use to bring love and attention to your womb, your inner sanctum. Used for ....

  • Emotional connection to the womb space

  • Re-awakening the feminine energy

  • Deeper intuition

  • Cleansing & re-energizing the root & sacral chakras

  • Release of unresolved emotions such as upsetting memories, anger and unwanted energies from previous relationships.

Messages, wisdom, insights may pour in. It is an excellent time for journaling!

How to prepare your yoni steam

You need: herbs (fresh or dried), large stainless steel, enamel or ceramic pot with lid, bowl (optional), fresh filtered water, yoni stool (optional), cushions, towels and blanket. Read how to select herbs.


Create a sacred space to enhance your ritual experience by creating an altar with flowers, herbs, candles or any meaningful object to you. Use relaxing music or meditation to facilitate your inner journeying. Arrange blankets, towels, cushions for maximum comfort.


Connect to your herbs. Tune in with their energies and healing properties. Observe their colour, feel the texture, enjoy the scent and beauty. Set your intention.


Directions. Heat up about 5 - 8 cups of water. Remove the water from heat, add your herbs (1 – 2 tbs of dried herbs or a handful of fresh herbs) and cover with a lid. Or pour the hot water in a bowl containing the herbs and cover. Let the herbs steep for about 10 minutes. Test and ensure the water is not too hot, add cold water if necessary.


Once you have positioned the bowl, sit on your vaginal steam stool or squat above the herbs if you don’t have a stool (see below for positions). Use big towels or blankets from your waist down to keep warm and to ensure that the heat and steam do not escape. The steam should feel pleasant, and you should feel a warm sensation, not too hot!


Enjoy the steaming for 10 – 30 minutes, it is very important that you feel comfortable so make all the adjustments you need.

Mindfulness & gratitude

Invite thoughts of self-love and practise mindful presence throughout the practice, allowing deeper connection with your body, womb and emotions. When you finish, thank the spirit plants and herbs. Gift them back to the earth and water by pouring them outdoor in the garden, in a stream, in the sea or in a plant pot. Do not throw them in the rubbish.


​It depends on your own individual needs, intentions, menstrual cycle and symptoms. The best thing is to ask a specialist for advice. stretching over some piled cushions for comfort.

Sitting or squatting

Yoni steam can be done in the comfort of your own home. You can purchase a steam stool, but a high quality one can be expensive. You could create your own steam seat by cutting a hole in the flat surface of a chair, wooden stool or box. 

You can use a clean toilet by placing a small pot with your mixture in the toilet bowl or you can also squat on the herbs.


Another position is to be on your knees and hands. Knees and feet are hip width apart, hands below your shoulders. Place cushions under your knees for more comfort, place the bowl between the knees below your yoni. Or place the bowl between your feet and bring your pelvis back to your heels so that your yoni is above the steam. Lower and extend your torso relaxing and stretching over some piled cushions for comfort.


When to avoid Yoni Steams ...

  • You have an IUD or another contraceptive device in place

  • During menstruation

  • During pregnancy

  • Infection, STDs or UTI

  • During or after ovulation if trying to conceive

  • You have open cuts, wounds, stitches

  • If taking medications for which herbs are contraindicated

  • You have a specific condition for which herbal steam is not recommended by your doctor.

  • With genital piercings. Remove piercings as they may heat and cause burning.


Here are a few steps to avoid potential risks:

  • Always have a jug of cold water to add if the steam feels too hot. Careful not to burn your sensitive vaginal tissues.

  • Do not steam longer than 30 minutes unless you have been advised by a yoni steam therapist to do so.

  • Ensure that all the items used are clean before use and do not contain any chemicals that could be released with the heat. This is to avoid unnecessary irritation and infections. For instance do not use plastic bowls, stools or chairs.

  • Do not add or use “essential oils” as they are too strong and may burn genital tissues.

  • Some minor discharge or spotting soon after a vaginal steam can be normal as this could be a release of leftover material from previous menstrual cycles.

  • If you experience abnormal discharge, burning, itching, swelling or infection, consult a doctor.

Evidence it works

I have benefited from this practice on many levels despite the fact that doctors and some other sources claim 'there is no scientific evidence it works’. Well, there is no scientific evidence that it does not work either. But for centuries indigenous people, from various parts of the world, have used them with great success avoiding the use of drugs and intrusive surgeries. Long-term clinical studies and trials are complicated and expensive. Most scientific studies are backed by pharmaceutical companies who have an interest in the results and in this case have no interest in backing research that could cause their loss of profits.

However, you make your own informed choices and take responsibility in making sure you are using organic pure herbs and blends where plants have been combined specifically to support your needs.


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